about sam

Hi, I'm Samantha. Or Sam.

I am 20-something years old.

I am a college graduate.

I love pink.

I adore fashion.

I enjoy TV crime shows.

I hate running.

I love warm weather and beaches.

I collect postcards.

The inspiration for my blog title came from my dad. As long as I can remember, he has always called me Sam Sam. I used to hate my name but now I am learning to embrace it as a part of who I am. The other part of the title, the ampersand, comes from my nerdy, techy side. It is my favorite symbol and for some reason, I think it is underrated. It can be used to connect so many things such as cake & ice cream, Mickey & Minnie, first & last. I also just really like how it looks.

So this blog title is an attempt to connect my younger self with the current nerdy self of today.

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