Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The ABC Guide to Surving USU

A-Always wear a coat!  Coats are a must for the Logan sub-arctic temperatures.  This is global warming at its best!
B-Basketball at the spectrum.  You will just have to experience yourself.
C-Classes.  Just go.  It will (usually) be worth it in the end.
D-Dating.  Before you know it, everyone will be engaged.
E-Exercise.  Don't forget to stay fit.  And you can always check out the eye candy while you're at the gym!
F-Fluffy white stuff.  Don't be surprised when it is April and the grass is white instead of green.
G-Graduation.  Time flies by faster than you think.  I can't believe how fast it has gone.
H-Homesickness.  It's a very common disease, and everyone gets it at one time or another.
I-Ice Cream.  Okay, three words: Aggie Ice Cream.  Get some!
J-Journal.  Write everything down somewhere.
K-Keys.  You will realize the importance of checking to make sure you have keys BEFORE  you leave after you get locked out once or twice.
L-Library.  The library is actually a cool place to be, believe it or not.  It's a great place to sleep, catch up with friends, eat, or maybe even get some studying done!
M-Marketplace Food Poisoning.  It really does exist.  Just letting you know.
N-Needle.  I helps to be able to use a needle and thread.  It takes too long to wait for your mom to sew things for you.
O-Old Main Hill.  You have to go down that hill on something.  At least once.  There are multiple options: sleds, mattresses, shopping carts, longboards, pretty much anything!
P-PDA.  Expect to see some things you wished you hadn't.
Q-Quarters.  Every penny, nickel, and quarter is important.  And so are dimes!  Spend money wisely.
R-Roommates are pretty much the best!  Take the time to get to know them.
S-Sleep.  Just say your good-byes now.
T-True Aggie.  Got some chapstick?  It's always best to be prepared.
U-Undergraduate Research...  If I had a quarter for every time I heard that phrase I would be one rich girl!
V-Variety.  There is definitely no lack in variety among individuals.  If you want to meet a lot of different people then you will.
W-Walmart Runs.  Always better after dark.  Go between 11 pm and 1 am for the most enjoyment.
X-X-Boyfriends/Girlfriends.  Just know that the most awkward of awkward run-ins with your ex will occur when you least expect it.
Y-Young.  Have fun while you're young!  Before you get old and boring...
Z-Zombies.  Once a semester the Zombies come out to play.  People chasing each other with nerf guns is the norm.

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